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DCStrategy (4)


How prepared do your systems need to be?

Is your business in the position to franchise? If you have a business that has a unique selling point, is easily replicable, has been running for more than a few years, is profitable and you have a desire to grow, then it might be time to consider franchising. Before you start the franchise process you will need to establish a structure that can be readily employed by franchisees, this means there needs to be systems across all of your business streams that are documented, tested and replicable.

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How a franchise development program sets your business up for long term success?

Has your business reached a critical point of growth with strong sales in your local market, a database of loyal customers and a desire to establish a regional or national presence? If this is the case, franchising is often an appealing model. With investments from franchisees, your business, brand and operations can quickly extend beyond the current base before the competition has a chance to get a foothold.

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DD Legal

Final Reminder: Your Disclosure Document must be updated

Will you be issuing outdated Disclosure Documents?

As a franchisor, the Franchising Code of Conduct (“Code”) requires you to update your Disclosure Document at least once a year – four months after the end of the financial year.

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